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Alles dat geplaatst werd door UweRoss

  1. Correct. HEX+CAN interfaces were not affected. -Uwe-
  2. Thank you. Due to the language barrier, I won't stay long. I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions about updates, and to apologize for any confusion the bug in the version we published yesterday's may have caused. -Uwe-
  3. Sorry guys, I don't speak Dutch. Maybe someone will translate this for me: Anyone with any legitimate Ross-Tech interface made since 2004 can use VCDS 18.9. We did not take any functionality away! @@wulfke has a Micro-CAN, and the support for those was broken in the version we published yesterday ( This was a bug that we fixed today and a new version ( is now available on our download page. This works fine with a Micro-CAN. Yes, most new functionality is being developed for our current interfaces, but even if you are using an older interface, you get newer, better data with each new version. So if you think we broke something, let us know, send us an e-mail, or post in our forum. -Uwe-
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